
20 Mil High Build Coating Systems
Main purpose is to be an economical durable seamless floor system meant for areas that have light to medium abuse. This system offers a high gloss, orange peel, or non-skid finish with chemical resistance to oil, salts, gasoline and detergents.
Common Uses
- Light manufacturing facilities
- Commercial bathrooms & restrooms
- Locker rooms
- Assembly areas
- Dealerships
- Clean rooms
- Warehouses

Full Flake Broadcast
This intermediate epoxy system is a multiple coat application consisting of a broadcast medium into the epoxy binder for added build, impact resistance and various non-skid. Available in all solid colors and textures. Broadcast can be solid color or mixed and matched for unique color pattern.
Common Uses
- Medium to heavy manufacturing facilities
- Commercial kitchens
- Locker rooms
- Lab areas
- Fire stations
- Off. aisle production
- Maintenance buildings
- Mechanic areas
- 4–6 inch cove base

Metallic flooring coatings are a solid 2 component epoxy system. This coating is a self leveling multi-color 40 to 80 mil system with a high gloss finish. Additional coats of the urethane can be added for semi-gloss and matte finishes.
With our endless application techniques, we are able to achieve a unique rustic color scheme with a smooth glass like finish.
Metallic floor systems are utilized in commercial stores, restrooms, cafeterias, office settings and banquet halls.
Metallic floor system benefits:
- Seamless
- Easy to clean
- Low maintenance
- Multiple color features
- Great light reflection
- Great alternative to VCT, stain concrete and polished concrete
- Salt resistance

Quartz Broadcast
This 3 coat system is meant as a cost prohibitive decorative seamless epoxy system. The base colors are available in all colors with the blend of several complimentary chips randomly broadcasted into the base color. Quartz broadcast is finished with a clear top coat to lock in the chips.
Common Uses
- Light manufacturing buildings
- Commercial kitchens
- Commercial baths
- Locker rooms
- Grocery stores
- Veterinary hospitals
- Banquet halls
- Education / Universities
- Retail stores
- Car dealerships
- Assembly areas
- Decorative integral 4–6 inch cove base

Random Flake Broadcast
This 3 coat system is meant as a cost prohibitive decorative seamless epoxy system. The base colors are available in all colors with the blend of several complimentary chips randomly broadcasted into the base color. Finished with a clear top coat to lock in the chips.
Common Uses
- Light manufacturing plants
- Commercial kitchens
- Commercial baths
- Locker rooms
- Grocery stores
- Veterinary hospitals
- Banquet halls
- Education / Universities
- Retail stores
- Car dealerships
- Assembly areas
- Decorative integral 4–6 inch cove base

Trowel Applied Topping
These toppings are utilized in aggregate exposed existing concrete as a re-surfacer with high impact. Trowel applied topping is an extremely durable surface that will give you a high aesthetically pleasing finished floor. This system is also used over new concrete in areas that will be subject to heavy abuse. Sloping and transition from 3″ to 1/16″ or to key way. This floor is available in multiple colors and textures.
Common Uses
- Heavy manufacturing buildings
- Wash bays
- Wet decks
- Aisleways resurfacing
- Maintenance building
- Mechanic shops
- Warehouses
- Veterinary hospitals
- Dura-Crete
- Aegis 1250